
I am a nomad at heart.  Before I started to travel in earnest, the longest I lived in one place or did one job was about 3 years.  Not because I was bored but because I felt that there was more to life than a ‘ job for life,’ a mortgage and 2.5 children.  There is nothing  remotely wrong with this – it’s just not for me.

The need to challenge myself  has taken me to new and diverse levels.  I went back to college at 22 to learn to be personal assistant, I’ve helped run 3 companies, I chucked in a job working in conference organising all over the world to go university at 32,  went back 3 years later to do a Masters and became a social worker.  I’ve learned to ride a motor-bike, made and sold jewellery, renovated a house, taught myself flamenco (badly) and have travelled extensively.  I’ve worked in Thailand in the aftermath of the Tsunami, travelled Asia, South America, America, Cuba, Europe, Southern Africa, Indonesia and washed up in Australia.

I love creating and get a natural high from colour and nature, which I guess puts me in the artistic bracket.  I like art, photography, writing, music, crafts – basically anything that is creative.   Double rainbows, the multicoloured hues of Autumn, crystal clear azure water all, sunbeams, snow falling silently lit by lamplight or conversely, a gleaming 916 Ducatti or a Jag will also do it for me (it’s the designs lines).

But best of all I love travelling, meeting people and experiencing new cultures.  It constantly brings home to me how privileged I am to live in an economically thriving country.  It also reminds me that there is more to life than Wii, money and possessions such as life, love, friendship, nature, and community.

Three years ago I was diagnosed with cysts in my ovaries – they thought I had ovarian cancer and whilst waiting for the operation d decided that it was about time I wrote about some of the wonderful people I have met in my life, share some of my life experiences and the amazing  journeys I have been on.  I was lucky the cysts were benign  and three years on I have been able to continue to travel and write about my experiences.   Hopefully you’ll find them entertaining.   Who knows maybe there’s book in me yet!

All images and stories are the property of Sue Llewellyn @copyright sue llewellyn

1,100 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear all,

    i have finally got around to reading through my about page after many months on the road in Africa and limited wifi access. I have to thank you all for the wonderful kind comments and nominations that you have left on this page.

  2. Hi Sue. Thank you so much for visiting my blog as it led me to your wonderful blog. Loved the photos and many stories that I read through.
    I hope you would want to visit my world back too.


  3. Hi….i am sorry because my english is not very good but i am lucky that i have the possibility to meet you on your blog! Greetings from Vienna!

  4. Beautiful! 🙂 I love your blog! And your travel stories and the word a week photo challenges. You are blessed to be able to travel the world! I am hoping to be a traveller one day 🙂 Keep up your amazing work!!!!

  5. Pingback: My 100th Post (with 100 blogger quotes) | PRIORHOUSE blog

  6. Pingback: On ‘Yellow’ & Photo Challenges | LenzExperiments

    • Sorry – wow that was premature. Was on a blog trail which came upon yours and now I’m the one following.
      You’re not following mine… yet. 😉

  7. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award | Babsje Heron

  8. I am also addicted to travelling to new countries and learning all about their cultures and taking photos of the moments and places I never want to forget. Hope you have a fabulous adventure and fun on all your travels Sue. I am really enjoying reading about everything you get up to and travelling to new places with you.

  9. This is such a beautiful blog. Your photography is superb and your perspective on life in general strikes a chord with me. I’m so glad I stumbled upon your blog 🙂

  10. Thanks for checking out my blog and liking my photos there. I think yours are just amazing! I like a lot of the same things you do, so I’m sure I’ll be back 🙂 Fair winds and following seas…

  11. Thank you very much for visiting my blog. I look forward to meandering around yours. From your “About” page alone I think we would get along very well, as I was on a similar trajectory for quite a while. There’s nothing quite like long term travel, ostensibly to “discover the world,” only to discover your own true heart, instead.

  12. This is an amazing, inspiring blog! I hope one day to fill mine with half the adventures you’ve gotten to have. I’m intrigued: when you went back to school to become a personal assistant, what did you study?

  13. I always used to think what if I lose the enthusiasm to do or see something new, because as people say it doesn’t last long but now I’ve have an example to quote, for me essence of life is in doing what you would like to do irrespective of right or wrong or what others will think, looking forward to reading more from you, thanks for liking my blog 🙂

  14. I love your life!! Kudos to you to have the courage to live life on your terms. It is truly inspiring.

    You are a brilliant photographer and your pictures speak volumes about your beautiful soul..

    Lots of love and keep rocking!!

    • Hi Cynthia – when you say prompt what do you exactly mean? – do you have a weekly challenge as well? My name is Sue Llewellyn and if you would like to use one of my photos please let me know what it is in relation to and which photo you would like to use as all my photos are under copyright and I sell a lot of them them through red bubble. If you provide a link to my blog and attribute the photograph to me I will be happy to let you use one as long as I approve the photograph first.

      • Thank you for the information. By “prompt” I mean I use photos to start me off on a new story–I have used several over the months on my blog to this end, but those (as well as paintings) that are generally in the public domain. It is not a weekly challenge. For example, I sometimes use pictures in my posts from other bloggers’ such as an artist’s and a photographer’s, both of whom consented. I will be in touch if I decide to carry through regarding yours, of course. But kudos to you for having such a great eye!

  15. Hi there!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my Weekly Challenge photo on Nostalgia 🙂
    I’m going to have to spend some time working my way around your blog – you have done so much! I look forward to reading about your travels!

  16. Hey, just read your about me page and I would just like to say I think its great that you have done what you enjoy and have wanted to do throughout your life. I am 21 and if I can take inspiration from you and not worry what I’m ‘supposed’ to do (i.e. go university at a certain age, etc.) and live my life doing the things I enjoy, and want to do, I will be very happy.

  17. Hi, I know you’ve read several of my blog posts and I waited to reply until I’d completed the entire blog. This was in preparation for my creation of a blog where I share all the business knowledge I’ve accumulated over the years. Unique thing about knowledge: one can give it away or sell it and still maintain possession. I have a lot to learn about blogging to make it visually appealing; your interest in reading my posts spurred me on. Thanks!

  18. Hi there I have nominated you for the “A Ton of Awards”. Thanks for having such an enjoyable site to share with everyone. Please find the information on the below link if you choose to accept the award nomination.


    Hope to continue reading brilliant stuffs from you as always.

    Shivani Panchmatia

  19. When we take the time to stop and look, life is such a beautiful thing. Well done you to share the beauty you have discovered! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the like.

  20. I know what you mean when you write it’s time to write about the people and experiences you love. Far as I can tell from your yummy images, beautiful bags and mermaid fin there’s about a book a day in you, SkinnyWench! Glad to be in your company & can’t wait to read your books!

  21. You have a very nice blog. Your story is inspirational. I look forward to reading more. Thanks for liking my blog, Sally

  22. Pingback: A Word A Week Challenge: Orange (Helsinki) | Heather's Helsinki

  23. Pingback: Shooting in the Moment | The Palladian Traveler

  24. Love your pics. You’ve got some amazing photos. This pic on the About page is really very clever. It’s seems your shadow is strategically placed.

  25. Hi Skinnywench! Thank you very much for visiting my blog ‘A View From My Summerhouse’ and liking my post. I really appreciate it. I hope that you will visit again! Your blog is amazing and so interesting.

  26. Thanks for liking my photo post. This blog is beautifully put together and I love the ideas and stories you’re sharing; travel well and far, you are living as many people dream of doing, full present, engaged and fluid! Look forward to following your adventures.

  27. Thank you for liking my post. I am blown away by the photos you’ve got on here and the travels you’ve made. Can’t help but feel envious! 🙂 Looking forward to seeing more!

  28. What a fun blog you have! Thank you so much for sharing your travel adventures. I enjoyed reading through your blog — I’m sure many of us can relate to the dentist in Colombia story!

    Keep blogging, and thank you for stopping by my blog and liking ‘Keep Me’.

    I will keep checking your ‘word a week’.


  29. You’re absolutely right; the 9 – 5 job, mortgage, children is not for everyone, and it should not be expected of everyone. I’m very blessed that I have realized this sooner than later. At 35 years of age I’ve decided to leave the mold I was raised to be in, and will starting a new life in Colombia beginning of 2014. I will be travelling for 7 months, and then doing what I love the most: helping people organize their travel plans. Thank you for checking out http://iwilltravelblog.wordpress.com You can also find more of me at http://facebook.com/iwilltravel
    May you continue to be in good health.


  30. Thanks for visiting my blog. I’m brand new to this, and I LOVE your blog. The pictures and word a week is so fun! So many great ideas. The pictures for the “old” word are priceless. As a massage therapist, I find the picture of the “old hands” to hit home, wanting to have some new/old pictures of the same things…like hands. There’s just something about all the experiences someone’s hands have been through… Thanks for a great blog.

  31. I have thoroughly enjoyed running through your blog here. Beautiful photography and great writing. Thanks for stopping by and giving me some love. Consider yourself followed =) Have a great one! -fn

  32. Hi, thanks for stopping by and checking and liking my blog. I’ve loved reading yours and your photos are great! Makes me want to travel more! I look forward to following your adventures!

  33. Thanks so much for liking my recent blog response to your Word a Week Challenge – Colour – your continued support is appreciated. 🙂

  34. Thanks for your recent “like” on my new blog! As a self-proclaimed “restless heart,” I understand your desire to begin something new every few years. It’s as if an I internal alarm clock just wakes us up one morning and says, “It’s time!” Excited to see where your continued journey takes you. Cheers! 🙂

  35. Thanks for allowing me to live vicariously through you! Come by my blog any time or a laugh or two.

  36. Hi Skinnywench!

    Thanks for visiting and liking my WordPress blog. I’m new with WordPress so just learning the tools and the culture, but I’d like to add your blog to my links once I figure out how to do it. Looks like you’re doing some interesting writing.

  37. As a traveler I can relate to your outlook on life via the open road. I read your “about” page and its great to see your adoration for travel and art. Thanks for hitting “like ” on my blog and the very best to you.

  38. What a genuinely lovely blog you have. I’m so jealous of your travels! Such a nice record to have of everything too – it’s actually inspires me a bit to write about some of the places I have been to. Fantastic stuff.

  39. Hey there! You liked a post on my blog so I wanted to check out your blog and say, “Hi.” Your photography is breathtaking! Since starting a blog I’ve developed some interest in photography. I’m not a great photographer yet, but I hope to develp some skill over time. I admire your life choices. My path is not typical either, but it’s still very different from yours (your life sounds a lot more exciting than mine!). Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I hope you’ll stop by again.

    • thank you for stopping by celeste – I’ve been very lucky in many respects with being able to travel and meet people. Photography developed as a result – keep at it – im, still learning too

  40. Thanks for stopping by my blog again. Love yours and the way you write. I get a feeling that it’s the way you talk as well. That’s a really good way to write, you bring your passion into every story, love it!

  41. Thank you for stopping by! I just had a chance to view some of your experiences and travels, and it’s inspirational to say the least. I look forward to learning from your experiences as I begin a similar phase in life.

  42. Hi, Thank you for stopping by. You have a most comprehensive blog and beuatiful world pictures. I am most interested in your England images as I hope to visi there next year, traveling by rented car and visitng the homes/museums of the great writers.

    thank u 4 sharing your world with me. I live in the southwestern united states and will be sharing more of my images on a photo blog which i will create next week. I will stop by and share the address with you. 🙂

  43. Wanted to stop by and thank you for popping me a *like* for Abstract Self-Portrait. I’m glad you did as I have just taken a quick look and read at the last few posts and I have to go back and comment on them! Great work 🙂

  44. Thank you so much for checking out my Blog and liking my posts Pillar of the community and My 100th Blog Post.
    I love your idea of selecting a word at random from your dictionary as a stimulus for your creativity. As someone who has suffered from writers block resulting in my own strategis for generating ideas this is definitely something I will use in the future.

  45. Thank you skinnywench for dropping by and the “Like”. Yours is extraordinary! I loved your photos, thanks for showing me.

  46. Thanks a million for visiting my blog and liking my post – really appreciate it. Your site looks great – amazing photos! Will stop by again for your updates.

  47. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog, and for the “like” on our post about “Why we travel”.
    Being nomadic has it’s ups and downs, just like ordinary life, but it sure forces you to take things in stride, let go of judgements, and be adaptable.
    I see you’ve travelled quite a bit yourself 🙂
    You have a great blog!

  48. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I have enjoyed looking at your lovely photographs and reading about your beautiful life. I was also excited to learn that you are the creative talent behind the Word a Week Challenge. My Golden Retriever blog friend Wiclo (and his very talented human) participate in this challenge. Their “action” photos are wonderful! So happy to “meet” you!

  49. Hello Skinnywench. I’ve just nominated you for the Reality Blog Award for your truly amazing photos of some really unusual places. I see you’ve got a Reality Blog Award nomination already, but I’m sure you can survive another. For my details, see my blog on http://charliebritten.wordpress.com/

  50. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my Adventure post. Excited to read about all the adventures you have gone on and the ones you are still planning.

  51. Dear, thanks for stopping by. I totally heart what you’ve written, I have a heart that loves new places, and gets very restless doing what I do everyday, so whenever i can, I like getting away from my side of the world. I’m glad you liked my Taiwan blog 🙂
    PLS: I laughed when you wrote “there’s more to life than wii…”. I should get it to see if I’ll fall in love with it.

  52. Hi! Thanks for stopping by and following my blog, TroupinAround. It is very inspiring to read your story. All the very best in your endeavors and I look forward to reading more from you. Cheers!

  53. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog.
    ..and…Thought of telling you, you are amazing. Hardly do we find people who courageously follow their hearts. Looking forward to read more of your colorful life & adventures.

  54. What a marvelous photo and a beautiful blog. I love the mermaidness of the photo here! Looking forward to exploring more. And thanks for stopping by my humble blog. My latest post on my other blog, I Draw Cartoons, features me as a young “mermaid”! I envy you your travels. :0)

  55. Can do people are so inspiring! just reading about you leaves me as exhausted as that other dear lady over on the Bucket List that I see you have a link to in our sidebar! thanks for stopping by today, always a rewarding experience to follow up on ‘new to me’ bloggers who have liked a post!

  56. Thank you for following my blog and liking some of my poetry ive been a writer for my entire life but this blogging thing is new to me … this is the first chance I had to stop by your site … i dig the vibe and the words … seeing your passion for travel it makes sense youd like my work … thanks for stopping by and keep staying inspired

  57. Thanks for liking our blog. Your blog is fantastic. We are in the beginning of Donostia-San Sebastian Greeters and We hope you will find this blog valuable and enjoy it!. We’ll follow you. “Agur”=Bye Bye

  58. Thank you so much for reading and liking my blog post! Your blog is beautiful! I agree with the above poster, you should be nominated for an inspiring blog award!

  59. Your stories are full of life, and your photographs are getting me excited for going to Kuala Lumpur! Thank you for dropping a like on my startup blog – I’ll try to get mine to be as gorgeous as yours!


  60. Just popping in to say Wow! What an amazing blog! Your photos are breathtaking! As someone about to venture into the Far East (China) for the first time this summer, this was an eye-opener. So often we arrive at a place not knowing a great deal about it (which wouldn’t be too bad) but then not appreciating where we should go and missing loads.

    However, Skinnywench, did you realise that the ‘Personal’ link on your About page doesn’t work (the Volkswagen one), and nor does your email? (I noticed that someone else had probs getting in touch with you.)

  61. skinnywench thank you for the like on my blog just started one month ago and too enjoy hence the start of the blog which as time marches will change and be adjusted. look forward to reading your past, present, and future writings.

  62. Hi thanks for dropping by my blog and clicking like on one of my posts. Your life is so extraordinarily awesome I am so envious coz I love to travel also and meet different people and culture but that dream is far beyond true. I hope the Philippines is one of your next stop we have interesting and rich culture. Thanks!

  63. Great self-portrait and intention with your blog. I also admire your idea of diving into the dictionary to focus the images for your entries. Lovely work.

  64. Pingback: zoom | Michelle Lee*Studio13

  65. Thanks for the “like” on my blog. It’s great to read about where you’ve been and what you’re thinking about. Your stories are wonderful both for the writing and the photos. I’ll be back to spend more time here. Keep on traveling! Cheers!

  66. Yours definitely is a life well lived, and clearly know how to Travel With Balls! Thanks for checking out our TWB blog — we hope that next time you’re visiting a developing country, you’ll buy a soccer ball, find some kids and give it to them, video the experience and post it on your blog (and our Travel With Balls Facebook page) so that others will be inspired to do the same thing. The GOAL is JOY!

  67. Thanks for the ‘like’ on my blog and giving me the opportunity to visit yours. I shall definitely have a good look around when I have the time as I am an Australiaphile (sp?) but unfortunately missed the boat to make it my permanent home. I do have a son and grand-daughter there though, so have a good excuse to visit.

  68. Thank you for visiting my blog, else I might not have come across yours. Wow.. you’ve taken so many beautiful photos! It must be amazing to be able to visit so many countries and experience so many different cultures. I loved your pictures of Greece, I have visited Greece a couple of times and your pictures reminded me of all the beauty the the country and its islands have to offer. I will definitely return to your blog and check out more of your photo/story collection.

  69. Pingback: I Get a Bit Obsessive Receives the VERY INSPIRING BLOGGER AWARD | I Get a Bit Obsessive

  70. Hey Sue! Welcome back from Tasmania, good to hear you had a good time. Thanks for the like on my Islands post. It got me a mention on a local online magazine run by our Uni’s Journalism School which was a first for me and a huge delight! So thanks for the inspiration! Karen

  71. This blog is a true inspiration to me – I’ve always felt I’m a nomad at heart so once I’ve finished my studies, off I will go! I’ve also recently gotten into photography and can’t wait to travel some more and take amazing pictures. Keep up the incredible work – I’ll be reading!!

  72. hi there! looking forward to exploring the world here because i know that i can travel virtually through your own journeys. will try to be a part of your interesting WORD challenge. count me in as a follower 🙂 — April

  73. Thanks for stopping by my blog and the like. Love the photo here and how you describe your life. I bet there is a book in you!

  74. Thank you for visiting my blog. I launched it, my first ever, on the first of this year and get excited when someone other than my family and closest friends drops in. I very much enjoyed what I read on your blog as well as your pictures. I clicked the “Follow” button so that I may follow you regularly. Your site is very tastefully done. 🙂

  75. Hi, just seen your reblog Weekly Photo Challenge- Smiles from Yemen by http://praguebykaty.wordpress.com/ .
    I’ve reblogged it too, then posted it to my new FB http://www.facebook.com/kaliza.mar where I want to share photos & poems from around the world + human rights news.

    I’ve just seen that Katy the author has been looking at my blog too. strange coinicidence, internet enigmas 🙂
    Love to see you on FB if you can send me a friend request (I over did the limit & can’t send more) or see you on Twitter @kalizamar.
    Hugs, Kali

  76. Thank you for taking the time to check my blog. Yours is inspiring, it’s like watching someones dreams come true. I would highly recommend adding China to your ‘Asia’ category 🙂 it’s a beautiful if somewhat chaotic place. The weekly photo challenge is a great idea and wonderful to see! Thanks again. Daisy

  77. Thanks for stopping by my blog togetherwechange.com! It sounds like you have had quite an adventurous life and I look forward to reading more about your adventures. Thanks again 🙂

  78. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog so that I could have a look at yours. I most certainly will have a ramble with a cup of coffee close…you’re good at writing too! I travelled the world between 1975 and 1990, working and studying too. In fact I didn’t leave university until 2006. Or…maybe I’ll be back again…Those travelling years I didn’t have much of a camera and all there is left are old paper pictures in books. Sometimes I look at them and remember…and when I look at yours they come back to me, the memories. Nowadays I’m fond of photographing and have bought myself a good enough camera. I don’t travel that much anymore – getting old? No, my life is more settled right now. When I retire (if I’m still in good health) I will go back to the most fantastic places to see them again…maybe, or maybe I will only go to new places. I have found that returning is not always good – things, places and people change into something you don’t like or approve of. Nature is being misused and you don’t even recognize what it once looked like. Well – I’m enjoying your pictures and writings…they are fantastic! Keep it up and enjoy!

  79. Sounds like a journey. Thanks for dropping by my site and for thus providing me with the opportunity to reciprocate. I’m glad I did. I’ll hang around and keep an eye on your postings. Hope to hear from you again soon. And Happy New Year!

  80. How strange is it to be writing to someone I know as “Skinnywench” and thinking that is perfectly normal. Thank you for your blog. I have several separate travel blogs and yours demonstrates how to tie them together. I declare that I am not a traveller by nature – I have a whole page on one blog on the topic of things I don’t like while travelling. Nonetheless, I enjoy myself without measure when I return, stop and think about what has just occurred. Best wishes to you from Vancouver Island, Jim.

  81. Absolutely beautiful photographs and I love the fact that you are a nomad. I definitely will be a follower and look forward to reading all of your posts. Really happy you enjoyed “Greatest Cities”. This one was fun to write and you would not believe the favorable comments I have had. Again, many thanks. Bob

  82. It sounds like an exiting life! And I think you’ve made a good choice staying in Australia. It’s a country with wast possibilities and a country that ‘has it all’ (depending on what you’re looking for)
    I had the fortune to live in WA for a year in my younger days and it’s a memory I have brought with me through the rest of my life.
    So there is a book in there somewhere? 🙂 Yes, I think ther might be! depending a bit on you recollection of things, notes that you have made or pictures that will jog your memory. In fact, I think there might be a book or two in most people once they learn how to write in a way that would be engaging to the readers. Carry on!

  83. A book in you? Absolutely. I’m publishing my first at 44 about my travels. Make a start and see where it goes. Thanks for the like on my blog.

  84. Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my post. I appreciate the time you took to do so.
    Your blog looks very interesting. I will have to have a good read of it in the future.


  85. Skinnywench (love the handle), Thanks for dropping by. I’m saving a closer read of your blog for teatime this afternoon but did want to say that you have an eclectic series of photographs and I enjoy your observations that accompany them.

  86. Thanks for visiting my blog. Be in touch. Browse through the category sections,
    I feel you may find something of your interest.

  87. Thanks for stopping by my blog, SkinnyWench! I am looking forward to exploring the photos on your blog as I am a fellow world traveler (30+ countries and 5 continents so far). I also share your passion for colors and Beauty in general (that’s what my blog was named after).

  88. Thank-you for visiting my page
    I thought your photographs were amazing
    I love taking pictures my self
    The Cornish Coast is beautiful
    Especially Cape Cornwall
    Have a wonderful week
    ║║╔═╦╦╦═╗*. . *
    ║╚╣║║║║╩╣* Daniel angel from Cape Cornwall

  89. Thanks for the like on my blog post! Yours is pretty cool too! I’m also on Twitter – @holliegraceanne. Happy blogging!:)

  90. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! It is very much appreciated! 🙂

    All the best on your travels! Traveling is my favourite pastime and what I do 75% of the time for work as well. Meeting new people is wonderful! 🙂

    • I had a great time in Indonesia and plan to return and do some mor travelling there. I have had some awful meals and some good ones – but arab emerates have been the best so far

  91. My daughter forwarded your blog to me. She is studying in Ghana for a year and spent 6 months in Kenya. I do believe she would love to follow in your footsteps. She loves the world and all those she meets. You have a beautiful blog and are in the middle of a beautiful journey!

  92. Pingback: About | Hard Sun

  93. Pingback: Great to start 2013 with a blogging award nomination! « de Wets Wild

  94. Hey there.. I’m just a little behind in catching up on my mail… especially the increased amount I have received since you endorse my ‘Clouds’ entry – thanks again for that 🙂 And also… thanks for liking Early Morning Glittering Icicle 🙂 You do beautiful work, and I am humbled by your kind words concerning mine.

  95. Please delete the duplicate comment (and this one). My comment took so long to post that I hit the “Post Comment” button again thinking that maybe I hadn’t been successful the first time.

  96. Just wanted to say thanks for visiting my blog recently! I really appreciate it since that is how I found yours. Lovely pictures and cool blog!

  97. Pingback: Thanksgiving in January | Untitled Adventure

  98. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking some of my poetry. I look forward to going around the world of your blog since there seem to be so many countries you’ve visited. Best wishes!

  99. Thank you so much for visiting my blog sunshinelovingmomma. I love travel, I really wish I could just pick up my things and travel. I am planning on taking my kids to Europe when the youngest turns five. I really want to expand their horizons and my own.

  100. Thanks for liking my post! It meant that I stumbled upon your beautiful photographs, in return. I will be following you from now on (That sounds so creepy, btw. I mean it in a non-stalkery way!). 😉

  101. Hi SWench!
    I have nominated you for the Blog of the year 2012 Award (which I did notice you had already received!). It does not matter I still wanted to present you with it. Thanks for all your great photos & inspirational writing.
    Check out my blog for your Award 😉

  102. Thanks for liking one of my pictures -you take such amazing ones! I absolutely love your eye, you’re so talented! 🙂
    All the best, Anna

  103. I find your curiosity and desire to explore professionally, geographically and emotionally truly inspiring. You’ve done so many different things and this profile right off the bat tells me you have acquired an amazing depth. I’m excited to follow you. Cheers! And thanks for motivating a young person who aims to navigate this work just like you did. -Jonathan

  104. Great blog! We’re just starting out, and you are an inspiration! Hope to participate in your “word a week” challenge when we get a bit more on the ball, but wanted to stop by and say how much your experiences and perspective resonate.

  105. This sounds wonderful.
    What I’m about to say might sound strange though, but riding a motorcycle is one of my dreams. I want to get a bike next year so I can do that. You said you learned how to ride a motorbike, can you write me or share more about that experience? Would love to learn from you. You sound like you’re living a rich, multicolored life.
    Peace & Love,

    • Hi Lila, I think I’ve written a story about it have a look under the blogs headings – I went to a learners centre and got my test firs.. Riding a bike is so much better than being stuck in a car – just remember though youare very vunerable on a bike – other drivers do not look out for you – many of my friends who are goo d bike riders have come cropper from car drivers pulling out on them – therefore you need to be road aware, when you buy the bike make sure that your feet touch the ground and that the bike is not too heaviny for you – a couple of my mistakes – good luck

  106. I have to say – your first comments about being in one place or one job for a short amount of time really hit home for me – and the fact that you said it was “OK” actually clicked with me – I am a similar type of person but always figured there was something wrong with me – glad to hear I’m not the only restless person out there!! Thank you. I look forward to reading your blog

  107. Thanks for stopping by Bold Conversations. It gave me a chance to read about you and your wanderlust. I’m currently traveling quite a bit to Ecuador and plan on writing my way around the world in the next three years. I also like BucketList Publications so I figure we are all in good company! Looking forward to reading more about your travels and sharing mine. Best wishes.

  108. Wow. I’m thinking you might be my new hero. As I’m thoroughly tangled in the whole house and 2.5 dependents way of life currently, I think I may live vicariously through you until my nest empties up a bit. You go girl! And report back to the rest of us.

  109. Thanks for stopping by and liking my post “India on Roads”. And I am glad that I got a chance to visit your lovely blog. You have some inspiring stories and loved it. Will be following you now on. 🙂

  110. Thank you for recently visiting my blog. I see you began writing after a health scare. It was one of the reasons I began writing also. Your travels I can never begin to do, however, with your photography I can experience some of the pleasures without the airport security issues! Blessings, Alesia

  111. I love being home with my baby girl and have settled down I guess for a while – but your blog sure makes me miss the road! I’ve done most of Greece and some of Australia …. would give anything for a week on a Greek beach right now with all that food …..

  112. I’m going to love reading your blog! I’m already enthused about the “word a week challenge” and I can’t wait to read some of your stories. Thanks for visiting my page and for liking it. Regards, Margaret

  113. Thanks for checking out my blog, and giving me the opportunity to check out yours! Looks like we have a lot in common. Love your blog and your photos. Look forward to seeing more

  114. Thanks for coming to my blog and liking the photos of the seals. They were just so cute especially this curious white one. Its eyes were huge and dark. It was a really cold and wet and windy day but the photos and experience were worth it. I love your shadow photo here and admire your candour.

  115. After just a few minutes of browsing, I’m pretty impressed with both your photography and what you’ve accomplished in life. Hats off to you…

  116. It’s an honor to have someone so well travelled, who expresses herself so well and who inspires many to stop by at my little watering hole. Reading your log inspires me to write some more. Thank you for your like and for opening my mind’s eye to so much more of this beautiful, wide, wonderful world.

  117. You liked my post this morning…I’m so glad you did, because I LOVE your blog!! Glad to have found it! Your photos are wonderful and such an inspiration for travel. Borneo…2 years ago. magic.

  118. I’m inspired by the fact that you went back to school at 32. That’s exactly the point where I’m at now. As in, I want to go back to school but the thought of incurring debt just gives me chills – the bad kind. Did you manage it without debt?

  119. Your photos are stunning and your words are beautiful, hope you are in good health. I hope my life will be like yours, travelling all over the world meeting amazing people and having amazing experiences 🙂

  120. Hi, “Skinny”, Thanks for stopping by ritaLOVEStoWRITE. I love the photo above your “about” page. It’s like a desert mermaid. Very cool. You have a nice blog going here. Keep it up. I’ll be back. Cheers, Rita

      • You can copy and save the badge image from my page on your hard disk. The insert into a draft post (check the “open in a new window” option), so that you have you own URL of it. Preview your draft post and double click on the badge image. Copy the URL.
        Then go to your Dashboard>Appearances>Widgets. Click on the “Image” widget and drag it to the place where you want it to appear on your sidebar. You will see a Down Arrow on the widget now parked in your sidebar. Click on that. Copy and paste the image URL into the Image widget dialogue box on your sidebar. Hit save.
        To check it is in the right place, go to “Read Blog”. If not in the right place, fiddle and eff around by going back to Appearances >Widgets, and drag your new image widget to where you do want it. Hope that helps. WordPress does have a help section on this. Search for “Image widget”.

  121. Thank you for liking my Big Lobster! I like your Blog and just adore the photography. I’ll follow your Blog and hope you will too with mine and drop by again.

  122. “It also reminds me that there is more to life than Wii, money and possessions such as life, love, friendship, nature, and community.” – Wow – couldn’t have said it better myself… (and… as I realize it, I try to say that same thing in most of my stories… Take care of yourself with that health scare – Blessings on you – and keep writing and sharing,


  123. I’ve been enjoying your blog for over a month now! I don’t remember how I happened on it, but glad I did! I don’t get a chance to travel like I dreamed years ago I would….until I look at your pictures….thank you!

  124. You have found la joie de la vie! Hang on, I predict the rest will continue to be at least as amazing as what has already happened. I shall look forward to the book.
    Thanks for stopping by one of my blogs.

  125. I came to you blog after you were kind enough to “like” one of my photographs. Each day is a gift and you are using your’s wonderfully. I think I’ll stick around to see what’s next.

  126. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. You do beautiful work and I look forward to hearing and seeing more.
    Burnett Freelance Imagery

  127. Hi, and thank you so much for liking my recent post on my blog Starlight Affinity. I am enjoying your beautiful photography, and taking your life of adventure as inspiration! Peace to you, Tina

  128. Am new to you and your blog (and pretty new to most blogs, really) so thanks for the introduction! Gorgeous pics and am compelled to come back for more tales of adventure. Once again, thank you for sharing!

  129. Thank you for reading La Dolce Vita on featherglass, and thus giving me the chance to visit your space. You have a good style of writing! Keep it up and keep doing what you like. : )

  130. Tis an interesting site you have here. My thing is photography and watching paint dry. In my life I’ve been to half a dozen Far Eastern countries but did so while serving in the USAF. I wouldn’t consider myself a tourist in that situation. I served in the unpopular war. There were no yellow roses waiting for me upon my return to the United States. In fact, the “welcomers” spit on me, calling out “baby killer”.

    Now retired & living alone, by choice, I basically do as I wish. That includes a lot of riding/driving around the Northwest photographic all thing nature. I’m an avid reader & reborn writer since starting to blog just a month ago.

    I’m listed as one of your many followers & readers. I’ll check in now & then if a post prompts me to comment. Keep up the good work. – Bob

  131. Hi. Thanks for visiting my blog a while back – apologies it’s taken me a while to visit yours and say thanks. I have so enjoyed reading about your travels – thanks for bringing me here.

  132. Thanks for visiting our blog – we’ve just started it so it’s nice to know at least someone has seen something and liked it! 😉 I love your introduction and feel that we have quite similar sensibilities. I too am not sure about the traditional career, family path and so have set out on a 12-month global adventure to try and discover where my true passions lie. I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  133. Thank you for visiting whilst on your travels. Really enjoying your images and writings. I also indulge in the shadow portraits whenever I want to remember that I was in the same place as my camera. Congratulations skinnywench, a great Blog.

  134. What a beautiful introduction. I wish everyone had a story like that: one of going out and finding things, not because you feel lost or bored, but because… there is just SO MUCH TO SEE, so much to experience as a living, breathing person. Glad to know I’m not alone in this way of thinking, although, unlike you (I bow down!), I’m just at the start of my global journeys. But like I said, so glad to know I’m not alone in this way of feeling and thinking. Safest travels to you.

  135. I like coming to your site just so I can look at your header photo. It is so relaxing. Thanks for visiting and liking my Weekly Photo Challenge post Everyday Life.

  136. Thank you for reading and enjoying my Haiku, I appreciate it.
    …P.S. who says being ‘barrack for Chelsea football’, isn’t creative?!! 😉

  137. thanks for the community nudge to a good job. I’m really behind in my posting so I am trying to catch up. Its difficult to keep up with all the amazing experience and make it enthralling for someone that didn’t get the pleasure to experience. Still deciding my audience and how I want to display it all. but again, thats for the like.

  138. Hi. I am a newbie, so I haven’t followed anyone yet, but you may be my first! Moreover, thanks for liking one of my pics today!

  139. Really LOVE the photo and resonate with so much that you share here. Looking at the list of some of the places you’ve been to brings back many memories and/or yearnings. I’ll drop by later to read more. Thanks for the like:-)

  140. Thank you for stopping by Still Times. What amazing blog and artistic flair you have going on. Love it! So if you don’t mind me asking, how did you come up with your blog name? Quite an eye catchy name…lol. Looking forward to reading and looking at more of your work.


  141. Hello and thank you for the visit 🙂 Im guessing you are Pisces or Aquarius! not that I believe in all that nonsense 😀

  142. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Travelat21. While I am just beginning to enjoy travelling you seem to have done soooo much. I am so glad to read your blog and completely share the same though on ‘job for life’.

    Being in the final year of college, I find it so difficult to choose between being a ‘corporate slave’ which pays me mighty well or to be who I want to be- i.e write and travel. Your blog has really inspired me. Thanks and Keep writing.

  143. Thank you for visiting my blog today and liking “The Mystery of Self”. I’m thrilled your visit brought me to your blog. You have some fantastic images and I can’t wait to learn of your travels and the wonderful people you’ve met along the way.

  144. Hi Skinnywinch, You are having an interesting life. My wife have been traveling around United States since 1996 in a motor home,several different ones. We are presently looking for a home on Strom Thurmond Lake in Georgia. Been shooting photos since mid 70’s. love photography. Jim

  145. Their is defo a book in you as you are adding new interesting chapters daily, so hope u can publish it soon 😀
    Good riddance and hope to meet you one day somewhere when are paths cross outside of virtual world…

  146. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my humble blog– and am I happy I got to see yours! Jut wonderful images, and I love your take on things. Especially connect with your pics from the Philippines– having just returned from a 2 year stint there myself, I find myself missing the friends we’d made, the places we had the chance to see. You’re images are a great reminder of the time.
    Cheers and all the best-

  147. This photo of your shadow is exquisite! What a great idea, too.

    I just stopped by to thank you for liking a post from my last year’s blog. It always gives me a lift. (I don’t have the kind of following you have here!) So, thank you. 🙂

    I hope, too, you will visit my current blog (though I will admit to being partial to the one you looked at).

    I’ll be back to look more at yours!

  148. Hi:

    Thaks for stopping by my little Crescent Moon blog and giving it a look & a like.
    Your life, travels and photojournalism have produced a truly impressive collection of images.
    I am in awe that you would take the time to view my amateur work!

    Take care and keep in touch,


  149. Thank you for visiting Life is an Exquisite Journey! I am so looking forward to getting to know you and joining your journey. Your spirit speaks to the wanderlust and serendipity that fills my heart and spirit. It feels so wonderful to be here in your space.

  150. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. I’ve been really enjoying reading through yours! I read here that you went back to school for a Masters in Social Work… I’ve been thinking about doing starting my masters in social work (international) next year and I was wondering if you could share some of your experiences about life as a traveling social worker with me. I’d really appreciate it! Thanks! -Mary

    • Hi Mary, I’m kind of limited as I only speak English and a little Spanish. I think that you would need approval by the relevant social work association for the country you want to work in (if there is such a thing) Defo for Australia and England – parts of Europe as well. Other than that there are organisations that advertise for social workers in different countries. Of course if you were going to do vol work – social work degree will always be a good start 🙂

  151. Hi! I always love your amazing travel photos 🙂

    I’ve started a feature on my blog where I speak to people who’ve recently travelled somewhere interesting, just a mini interview and a few of their photos, plus a link to their blog/website/flikr etc. It’s still a brand new feature, it looks like this http://emilyluxton.co.uk/category/postcard-from/

    If you’re interested in taking part I would love to hear about one of your recent trips. Drop an email to me at eluxton@hotmail.co.uk and let me know where you would like to tell me about – then I can send you some questions 🙂

      • No angle in particular, I’m enjoying getting lots of different perspectives on travel and different countries. I’ve just been asking a set of similar questions each time and then tweaking the format into a nice little interview! I’m mainly keen on showing off the fantastic photos people create while they’re away!

  152. Great blog! Sounds like we have a lot in common. I hope your health scare turned out to be nothing serious. I know the feeling! I will visit you often – I love the photos. Maybe you should plan to meet us along the Kabul to Cork route!

  153. Wow… so inspirational! Your blog looks amazing… I will have to dig deeper here. I very much relate to your philosophy and have two more weeks before I finish up work and hit the road for a year at least. Solo mission, celebrating 30. I hear stories such as yours and feel so freshly inspired again, and sure I am following the right road for me. Good luck! 🙂

  154. thanks for stopping by and liking my post on Life on a Sunflower. I don’t travel much but I love seeing where others have been and looking at the photos of things that spoke to them on their travels. You have some very nice photos and have been to some very interesting places.

  155. Your blog is one of the most interesting I’ve come across. From the bird digging cat story to your childhood and travels. Will definitely stop by here again
    Thanks for stopping by my blog too:-)

  156. I’m loving your blog! The photos are fantastic and your voice/commentary is informative and funny. Thanks so much for stopping by Travel Oops and liking the Pinnacles story. (It’s funny because the next post I have is being at Tanah Lot, trying to catch the beautiful sunset while my three-year-old daughter has “Bali Belly” and we have to figure out the inner workings of a squat toilet.) I loved your toilet advice.

  157. Lovely little blog you have here. I love that you’re just sharing where life takes you with (seemingly) no plan

  158. It’s me again! I didn’t know where to post this so I’m doing it here (and couldn’t find your email). My picture the world is up at: http://www.thedepartureboard.com/picture-the-world-project-guatemala

    I had earlier nominated your lovely blog for this challenge. Not sure if you saw it or not but the departure board asked me to inquire and see if you wanted to do your country. It is really cool and not hard! Check it out at: http://www.thedepartureboard.com/picture-the-world project. I bet you could do something great!

  159. Sorry, I meant I used to travel..I still like it and still travel but not as much now as I did before….

  160. Thank you, dear nomad, for finding my blog and leaving the like. I used to like travelling and did a fair bit around the lovely islands that make up my tropical home before I had my own family. Right now I am happy and enjoying the “mortgage and 2.5 kids” (I’ve got 3 kiddos of my own) 😉

    Your blog is beautiful and I hope you’ll get to visit us again soon.

    Warmest regards,
    Mary from the Philippines

  161. Hi,

    Thank you very much for stopping by my blog and linking my post, I really appreciate -:) I love the way you express yourself in your blog, I can relate so easily to it! Looking forwarded to finding out more.


  162. Thanks for stopping by my blog. We’re on the same page re the mortgage and 2.5 kids 🙂 Glad to see I’m not the only one out there. Keep it up!

  163. We share the same passion…”I love travelling, meeting people and experiencing new cultures.” 🙂 meanwhile, thanks for stopping by our blog and liking our latest post on Phuket. 🙂

  164. I love what you’re doing & have done! Your ‘About’ is as fascinating as it image is simply beautiful. Seems like the only continent you still need to explore is Africa?!

  165. Don’t look yet, I haven’t written the post yet, but I am nominating you for the One Lovely blog award. You certainly don’t need the validation of an award, but I do enjoy your site, and I appreciate that you gave me some words of encouragement as I was just starting my site. Congratulations on keeping a great site going!

  166. Hi, thanks for liking my recent post “Shady Lady” because it brought me to your blog and your beautiful, captivating photos and writings. I enjoy seeing and learning about corners of the world, and will definitely be following your adventures. Cheers, – Rob

  167. Thank you for visiting fivemakesseven.com and liking my post about taking my boys away to Bermuda. Your site looks divine, such inspiring photography. There is beauty to be found everywhere in the world, every day, every hour. Keep following your bliss! I send you many good wishes.

  168. I like how you summed up your adventures!
    I relate to the nomadic enjoyment!
    I started dreaming of a bus and adventuring before I was ten.
    Thanks for sharing some great images and stories

  169. Thanks for liking my blog entry. Must catch up with you cos we have so much in common which is freaky cos I hadn’t mentioned any of that on my blog! Life is a bit manic right now but will b following you. Hungryheart62

  170. I think I’ve found a new friend! I really enjoyed reading your “About” page and can relate. I look forward to reading more of your posts. Thank you for visiting my site and liking, “Color Me Happy.”

  171. We are very much alike! 🙂 I love meeting others who has also share the same mentality about Life; to live your passions and turn away from living by the standard set of life rules! i started doing that 13 years ago, now married, and not letting anything stopping me from traveling the world or seeking outdoor adventures! love your blog! i’m a fan!

  172. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading each one of your blogs, I’m looking forward to travelling the world one day and have made a list of all the places you’ve been that have caught my interest 🙂

  173. When I read this I hear myself, although my travels have not been quite as extensive as yours, the intent & feeling is the same. I love your photography, it moves my heart. You are right not to get caught in the trap of 9 to 5 and a mortgage, we regret that we are stuck in such a trap. Wishing you the best & I’ll be back to see more.

  174. Hi! Thank you for liking my recent post. I was just reading you ‘about me’ section and can very much relate to how you were not satisfied with the ‘mortgage, office job, 2.5 children’ lifestyle. Although I also agree with you that there’s nothing wrong with that, I also can relate to your feeling of how its not for you. I feel the same way.
    Have you visited India? If I can be of any help, feel free to get in touch anytime.
    Thanks again, Maddie.

      • Great to hear 🙂 Hope to hear from you again in the near future then. In the meantime, I’m not sure which month you are planning to visit, but we usually discourage guests to visit during the monsoon period (July – September) – rains can be torrential! The most pleasant time to visit north India is between October – March.

        Looking forward to reading more of your travel adventures 🙂

  175. Absolutely there’s a book in you! And if you ever need some guidance, I’m happy to help. I wrote and self published a book and it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

  176. Just found your blog. Loved the “About” page and will e back to read more. Hope your healthscare was just that. At 69 this year, I’m still finding out what I like, but running out of time. I will return to your blog. Best wishes. Martin (Canada)

  177. Hi there! First of all, thanks for liking my recent, quite silly, photo blog post. :-D. And for bringing me here to your blog which looks amazing!I have met, in my own travels in India, many people like you who work for awhile and then take off for unknown places until the money runs out. And yes, the idea of teaching english as a foreign language is how many of them manage to stay traveling for years at a time! So go for it and keep enjoying! You might like to see some of my adventures…years worth, on one of my India blogs:
    with love light and JOY

  178. Thanks for your like. Will follow your blog, have a weak spot for nomads 🙂
    Cheers! (from a nomad with 2,5 kids)

  179. Hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog! I admire your vibrant photos very much…they transport me instantly, back to my own travels through SE Asia last year…sighhh

  180. Thanks for liking my post on Mindful Travel. I think I would call your fotos mindful photography! they bring your attention to the subject with a creative focus that connects you to a person or place in a memorable way.

  181. I’m a nomad too! haha No but really, I have the fire in my belly to travel as well and travel we have. Always wonderful to meet others with great travel stories to share. I love talking travel ;). BTW thanks for stopping by my blog, your pat on the back was appreciated.

  182. Hi and thanks for dropping by my page.. i am always in gratitude meeting a fellow traveller. you have been to several continents of the world. hope i can conquer some in time =) happy travelling!!!

  183. Hi there,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is great to read about like minded people. What a story you have to tell! I couldn’t imagine life without a few bits of travel here and there. I am only just starting out and lots more to see and do. Thanks again!

  184. More to life than Wii? Are you crazy?
    Love the photograph. It’s amazing. I love this posting and I can’t wait to read more of your blog posts. I am currently a stay-at-home mom with 4 kids. I’m not at liberty to say which one we cut in half. It’s great to read the adventures and travels of others. A bit of vicarious living for me.

  185. Thanks for checking out my blog and liking my post on Floro. You have an amazing blog here and i’ll be your 800 follower.

  186. Thanks for stopping by and liking my Carton King Park blog! You are simply amazing. Not many people can do what you have done. Looking forward to your book. It should feature your photos from your travels. Those photos are great!

  187. Love your lifestyle! It’s great to read about the experiences of people like you who live what they love. Looking forward to reading more.

  188. Thanks for stopping by my blog and blessing me with a “like” on my last post “A Prairie Thing.”

    I can relate totally to the life that you have created for yourself. It took me 50 years to finally settle down from being a gyspy and buy my first home. But homesteading lasted only 10 years, as the yearning to live a roaming lifestyle appreciating everything I see and all whom I meet got the better of me once again. The decision last summer to quit my job, sell my home and everything I owned and worked for, buy an RV and become a warm and dry climate follower has been so far the best decision of my life.

    So I honor you for following your heart and living a passionate life. You go girl, as I’m sure you will. We both will.

    Appreciating our connection

  189. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post. But a bigger thanks for helping me find your blog! Fascinating reading…. I am going to enjoy your photos and stories very much

  190. From one nomad to another, how wonderful to discover your blog! Like you, I tend to reinvent myself every 3 years or so, and have done quite a bit of traveling (lots more ahead I hope). Thanks for stopping by my blog and I’ll be back to explore more of yours!

  191. Thank you for stopping by my blog…I think you have a most interesting one…love the fact that you change directions so seemingly effortlessly…all the very best in that always!
    The photography is lovely…look forward to more…

    God bless…

  192. Hello skinnywench!

    You have a pretty amazing blog! Really love your pictures!

    By the way, thanks for visiting our blog! 😀

    Keep up the great work!

    Good day God bless.

  193. Really beautiful pictures, offer a lot to the more sedate?contented. Continue with your glorious life, but I am feeling it is your attitude not the job/lack of standard job, which makes it. You can see that in job-for-life people too. Stay live

  194. Hi there! Thank you very much for visiting my blog and the like! I’m glad I found your blog that way. You’ve visited many beautiful places and what amazing photography! Looking foward to seeing more! Cheers!

  195. Hi! I nominated you for the ABC (Awesome Blog Content) Award. I was moved to do so because I am delighted whenever I see an email from you in my in-box. You can read about the award at http://elladeewords.wordpress.com/2012/05/03/a-community-garden-and-abc-awards/ .
    Accepting awards to enable you to nominate other worthy recipients isn’t for the faint hearted or time poor, so please accept if you choose and there’s no timeframe on responding, or obligation to do so if it’s not right for you.
    Best wishes,

  196. What an enviable life. Go for the TESOL course. In 2006 my (then) 64 year old friend did and she has been to China twice since then. She said amazingly they respect older people

  197. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I just took a look at yours and it looks like we share a lot – an adventurous take on life, a love of travel, and I also work like you did organizing conferences! I do hope you write a book, full of beautiful colorful photographs 🙂

  198. Pingback: tag – you’re it! ~ 11 questions « a nomad in the land of nizwa

  199. Oh, skinny wench. Thank you so much for liking my post. I am looking forward to delving into your blog and photos further. Inspiring in terms of so many places to go and people to see. Makes me feel guilty that I just bought some jewelry (feeling a little extra deserving today, albeit early, for Mother’s Day). Should be saving for that next trip…


  200. I am writing a blog post on 7 most ridiculously simple ways to save money on travel. Would you like to give your input for my post. 1 or 2 best tips will suffice but as long as they are ridiculously simple!

    • Hi there – sorri its taken a while to get back to you – im in tavelling mode and the wifi connections out here are not the best. Hmmm simple tips 1) In Asia buy all you need in terms of clothes abroad and save on luggage allowance – you will chuck them anyway at the end of the trip. Thanks for asking

  201. Hi,
    I love your blog – and your philosophy on life!
    Thanks for calling in at my blog and liking my post about the Gandhi Memorial lMuseum. You would love it here as the area around Lakeside is full of inspiration for the photographer, artist or writer. We can even accommodate people for an extended stay to work on their artistic projects.
    Maybe you can visit this area when next in southern India? It woul dbe great to meet you.
    By the way, Sigiriya is one of my favourite places in Sri Lanka!
    Dorinda (lakesideindia)

  202. Wow, I just had a look at your blog after you liked my post about the Tentsile camping solution and I must say; your blog is full of inspiration.. I love traveling too. Maybe not as much as you do but don’t mind if I follow you around for a while to get some inspiration for my future trips. Keep trucking, you share gems 🙂

  203. Thanks for liking my post about my trip to Valparaiso, Chile! Have you visited yet?! It seems like you’ve been to many places as well! Love the pictures too! Cheers to more travels and adventures!

  204. Thanks so much for the visit to Play a Good Knife and Fork and “like” on my Ireland post! I appreciate it. I, too, love to travel, although that piece of my writing is only highlighted on my blog inasmuch as it relates to food ;). Some great stuff here! Cheers, PK (@pknewby)

  205. Hey! Thanks for checking out my cow post yesterday! 🙂 I am now living vicariously through your wonderful site. Awesome pictures; I feel like I am right there with you. Keep up the great work!


  206. So glad and grateful that you stumbled across my blog – to enable me to discover yours! WOW – we definately share the same passion for travel and exploring.
    I can’t wait to read your blog I am excited already by the quick scan that I just did and loving the photos too.

    Its a rainy day here in Brisbane and I have a day off work – so I plan to explore your blog and that makes me happy.

    THanks again!

  207. Thank you for visiting my blog “arnnarn.com” and liking the post “Abducted by sea turtles…”. I hope you come back again.The book is due out early this fall.

    In one of the comments on your blog, which is beautifully written and entertaining, one suggests you do a book. I agree. I look forward to more of your writing.


  208. Life is something to be. . .
    Nah, too trite.
    Life is a movie.
    Sometimes, we need a comedy, sometimes a drama, sometimes Marilynn Monroe and sometimes we need to join Bob Hope on the Road to. . .sounds like you.

    now where is that Richard Bach book when I need it?

    Nice thoughts

  209. I love your blog and thanks for visiting mine! And I can relate, the longest I’ve lived in one place is 4 years, and that’s only because I was in college. I’ve been in my current “home” for 2 years, and I’m starting to get the itch to move again! 🙂

  210. Thanks for stopping by. Great stories and pictures. Sounds like we have a lot in common. Including similar adventures. I was afraid to leave the States b/c I don’t have a birth certificate and so have only just started traveling. I was able to get a passport recently. I look forward to reading more about your adventures.

  211. Thanks a lot for stopping by my blog and liking it! 🙂
    I really like your blog… Keep writing and keep visiting!


  212. WOW…what a blog, I can only hope to do a fraction of the travelling you have done…in the mean time, I will keep reading about it on your beautiful blog!

  213. Pingback: Versatile Blogger | willshegetaway

  214. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Very impressed with what you’ve written here, as to what you are all “About” as well as the ongoing adventure that you have made into your life. Inspiring…

  215. Hi,
    Recently http://elladeewords.wordpress.com was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Pete Denton – Writer http://petedenton.wordpress.com.
    I have posted the award details at http://elladeewords.wordpress.com/2012/03/14/the-versatile-blogger-award-7-things-about-elladee/.
    The rules for accepting this award are as follows:
    1. Thank the award-givers and link back to them in your post.
    2. Share 7 things about yourself.
    3. Pass this award along 15 or 20 bloggers you read & admire.
    4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.
    Your blog is amongst the 20 that amuse & inspire me I nominated as my part in fulfilling rule 3. If you feel so inclined, please accept from me the Versatile Blogger Award, and my congratulations for great blogging, and pass it on to others also deserving.

    Best regards,

  216. you’re my hero. As Thoreau said, “Live the life you imagined.” And you’re doing just that.

    I’m embarking late on my journey, having been saddled with the mortgage, et. al. But I’ve kept the dream alive. Thanks for the inspiration.


  217. I love how you write and I love what you write about. There is an essence of wisdom and nostalgia without leaving the current moment you are in. It’s simply beautiful, and I am happy to have made this connection.

  218. Pingback: The Versatile Blogger Award & 7 things about EllaDee « elladee_words

  219. Thank you for visiting my blog & “liking” my blog post about Aruba. Your blog looks beautiful & your pictures are just gorgeous! I am a traveler at heart & look forward to reading through your stories.

  220. Your article,The Salar de Uyuni and the Cordillera De Chichas – South West Bolivia, is now featured on Bucket List Publications under the Destination section. You can check it out at http://www.bucketlistpublications.com/.

    If you’d like to follow the adventures of other amazing bucket list seekers, be sure to enter your email and follow along at Bucket List Publications Online Magazine.

    We look forward to reading more of your articles in the future.

    Lesley Carter (Bucket List Publications Editor)

  221. I feel inspired reading your bio – both to continue to travel, and to write about it. Thank you for sharing your photos and writings! And, thank you for reading my blog too 🙂

  222. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my most recent post! Wonderful writing and photography–keep it up. It’s making me think I need to get to Greece (and so many other places) before too much more of my life goes by….

  223. Dear SW,
    I spend so much time writing that I fail to leave time to look about the blogospere and see what’s going on. Like other commenters above, I think your blog is wonderfully rich, both visually and literarily. You are living a life that so many think they will get around to some day but never do. Despite my cynical view of much of the world, I find your thoughts and images refreshing and reassuring. I know that I shall be crushed if I find out you’re an 21 year old college drop out, living in his parent’s basement in Toledo, Ohio, and having everyone on as the SkinnyWench. Best of luck on your adventure!

    • Dear CD – I am undone. You have seen beneath the persona – I am in fact a 90 year old living out my fantasies of travel from a retirement village in the middle of nowhere. Luckily they are letting me out for a holiday soon to the Phillipines unescorted! many thanks for your comments

  224. Thanks for visiting my blog. You lead a charmed life! After doing a lot of traveling in my youth, I settled down, relatively speaking, but moved from career to career. It’s only been since last year that I have rediscovered (budget permitting) the joys of travel.

  225. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post “The Magic of Millie.” Writing as one who is experiencing her own health crisis at the moment and surely understand the desire to share and get on with life. Thanks for inspiring. Be well …

  226. I love it! I love the idea of traveling for forever! Thanks for creating the blog to share your experiences. I also love that you mentioned Double Rainbow (that’s my Chinese name Shuang Hong 双虹).

  227. Wow! So you’ve pretty much lived your life the way I’d like to/am trying to. Fabulous. I’m also thinking of going back to do my Masters now at 30. Anyway, I’ll be following your blog and benefiting from your experiences.

  228. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post ‘ O’ Hare or O’ Harrow’. So glad this gave me chance to stop by yours. Absolutely love that picture you have on this page! Looking forward to reading some of your posts:)

  229. I so agree with you. I have no kids but life is definitely more than a job, a car and a mortgage. I’m figuring out how to continue traveling especially since it seems to be conflict with the notion of a permanent job. Let me know if you got that figured out. 😉

    • I’m really lucky in that my job is in demand in Australia – no one wants to be a social worker so there is plenty of temping/long term contracts around. But I’d like to travel on a more permanent basis so I’m looking into retraining as a teacher and teaching English abroad – hope you figure out a way to do it too 🙂

    • Thank you for your confidence in me – a book is planned – but I need feedback about my stories and if they are good enough – so keep reading and let me know what you like 0r don’t like!

    • Glad you like it – just go for it – I tend to work for a year or two, save like mad then head off for a year. Economic climate now makes it a little more difficult but I’m working on getting out of here for longer periods by taking a teaching english course. Maybe I can travel for a long time then – I have a friend who has been #travelling for 11 years!!!!

      • Hi – loved your blog and have tried to find a way to contact you for advice. Failed so I’m using this. I’m visiting Melbourne for a week in December with my partner. Planning to go to Phillip Island, Sovereign Hill, St Kilda and a vineyard (don’t know which yet). Any suggestions for other ‘must do’ visits? The choice so far should give you an idea of our interests. BTW – interested to see you were in conference management. I’ve been in that business for nearly 40 years now. 🙂

      • A week to pack so much into – Phillip island is great but Wilson’s Prom (nature reserve) is much better. The dandenongs are good for a day out – lots of forrest, birds and walking. If you stay around the city Brunswick, the harbour area, sydney road, fitzroy, carlton (italian food) are nice places to stroll around (all accessible by tram). Williamstown is great (ferry from st kilda i think) nice beach and area. In town there are museums, art centres, parks, – check out ‘whats on in Melbourne’ internet magazine to see if there are any festivals on at that time. Enjoy 🙂

    • I am loving all the bloggers I am reading about–today is my 2 month Blogger anniversary. My one regret is that my real life is in such a state of chaos at the moment I have little time for reading others posts- some days I have no time for writing which has become a passion for me. Yours is especially fascinating for me as I have always wanted to visit places like Australia. I will make every effort to follow yours,

      • Thank you Cyn, keep going – it is hard to fit in sometimes but worth it – my writing teacher said that even 1/2 an hourt a day just putting down thgouths and not editing is good practise

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